Today I am linking up with Chasing Happy on the Thankful Project. From Chasing Happy: "The Thankful Project will be 28 days of intentional gratitude and community. Each day, we'll write a post in response to a gratitude prompt". Loved this fun idea.
Today's Prompt was a person. Now for me this was extremely difficult. I am so lucky to have a lot of people in life who I am thankful for. Today I am going to give it up for my son aka Forest.
This young man has a amazing heart on him. He will protect his family and realizes the importance of family. He is one of the most chilled people that I know (this does drive me crazy too). When I want to go crazy, his "patience, chill", will pull me back just slightly. (key word: slightly) He has given me the ability to teach some of the hardest lessons to help him develop to be a better person than I ever could be. Then the cliche: "he knows what my heart sounds like from the inside".
Not sure where I would be without him. For him in my life I am very thankful everyday.
Dawn Marie
What a sweet tribute to your son. He sounds like a great kid who loves his mama :)