Friday, November 1, 2013

The Thankful Project

The Thankful Project: 28 days of blogging with intentional gratitude
Today I am linking up with Chasing Happy on the Thankful Project.  From Chasing Happy: "The Thankful Project will be 28 days of intentional gratitude and community. Each day, we'll write a post in response to a gratitude prompt".  Loved this fun idea.
Today's Prompt was a person.  Now for me this was extremely difficult. I am so lucky to have a lot of people in life who I am thankful for.  Today I am going to give it up for my son aka Forest.

 For 16 years we have basically traveled down the same path.  Been thru some very crazy, hard times.  My pregancy with him is why I sobered up. He is the reasoning behind why I pushed myself hard and progressed.  Do better for him, for my family. 

This young man has a amazing heart on him.  He will protect his family and realizes the importance of family.  He is one of the most chilled people that I know (this does drive me crazy too).   When I want to go crazy, his "patience, chill", will pull me back just slightly.  (key word: slightly) He has given me the ability to teach some of the hardest lessons to help him develop to be a better person than I ever could be.  Then the cliche: "he knows what my heart sounds like from the inside".

Not sure where I would be without him.  For him in my life I am very thankful everyday. 

Dawn Marie


1 comment:

  1. What a sweet tribute to your son. He sounds like a great kid who loves his mama :)
