Today I am linking up with Chasing Happy on the Thankful Project. From Chasing Happy: "The Thankful Project will be 28 days of intentional gratitude and community. Each day, we'll write a post in response to a gratitude prompt".
Day 4's prompt is "an experience". Now this could be a rather morbid experience that I had but it was eye opening. Eye opening in the fact that it gave me a new outlook in my life. That you never know when your story will end, how, when or where.
Sit back my little pretties for a story. It seemed to be a normal Saturday. I am up early while everyone else was sleeping. Sit down at the computer for the cup of coffee, email and cyber world check. Feel an excrutiating headache come on. I suffer from migraines. So no big deal, right. Get up take some meds, sit back down. Headache just doesn't want to go away. Then my right hand goes numb. Curse myself and think goodness I have been sitting here way to long. Medicine just didn't seem to be working. Decide it is time to go lay down.
Attempt to go to my bedroom. Realize that I just can't manage to get walking down. Decided to crawl to my bed. Think my son saw me go past his room when he was waking. My boyfriend at the time woke up. My son comes in to see if I am ok. Tell him I am fine, just a migraine monster, and could you get me a cold rag. Wait, wait, and where is my rag. Yell to Forest. Right next to me he says ever so calmly, "It's in your hand mom". I shed a tear and tell them to take me to the hospital. I knew I wasn't right, I knew I was dying.
At the hospital, I am taken into a room, IV in and doctors around. I have to sign the paperwork for admittance. No one person would recognize that as my signature. They had to tell me there was a pen in my hand. Some point I am taken to what I believe (and later learn) was an MRI. Remember someone, maybe even myself, moving me from or to a table. Back to the room at a point. Open my eyes to see my boyfriend talking to a doctor. He is explaining that I get migraines. I try to say something, nothing comes out of my mouth. I just wanted to shout "no it is not a migraine, it is somethign else, I think I am dying, help me". I see my son standing there. My light, my love, and my reason for living.
Must have drifted off to sleep. Wake to find the room darkened and no one. I was scared. What happened. Is this real, why is no one here. Push the button for the nurse. Thankfully someone came. And my son was there. Shortly afterwards, I was sent home. I apologized for yelling and told him how much I loved him.
The outcome/conclusion of this day was I had a stroke. The result of the stroke was a permanent partial loss of my vision. They never determined why it happened but it did. Sometimes I try to remember what it is like to be able to see everywhere. Not getting frustrated when you run into things or even someone. I am grateful I survived. And will not take that for granted.
I am thankful for this event for everything it taught me. You never know when your time is up. Appreciate your life and live it. Always be mindful of what you say, those maybe your last words. Never give up. Find the beauty and most of all love.
xoxo, Dawn Marie
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