Sunday, August 11, 2013

Happy Smoke Free Anniversary!!!

5 years ago today I went smoke free.  Amazing that it has been five whole years.  Quitting was no easy chore by any means.  My route was via Chantix.  Now as it did wonders for me, it was also very very scary.  The doctors had the dosage to high in the beginning. I was getting sick.  Which wasn't all bad.  No one wants to smoke when you feel icky.  Then though the well pronounced side effects (weird dreams, terrible thoughts) kicked in. Held my ground and made it.  So today I sit here smoke free 5 years later.  This used to be me:
Now this picture is actually from a long time ago.  Guess it is kind of hard to catch a picture of yourself with a cigarette in hand.  Kind of actually thankful for that.

Now to celebrate in all the moments of awesomeness that have happened which may not have if I decided not to quit.  Time for a little reflection on the last 5 glorious years.

First the new additions to my life that have only added joy to my world.

My now Hubbie                                                       The Steppie
Never in a million years would I have thought that this would have happened. Finding my true love (engaged, married) and gaining a daughter.
Right after I said yes.
Our Wedding Day in Colorado
Charlie our Chiweenie
What we call our happy meal puppy.  Since we picked him up in a McDonalds parking lot.
Two of the most adorable boys I know, my twin nephews.
These two little miracles bring more joy then I could have ever imagined.  Great job little bro.  Maybe now I will forgive you for being such a pain all those years.

All that money saved gave me the ability to see some pretty cool places.  Let's pack our bags for a little trip.
 The very first thing I did was save up enough to take my son to Disney World. Experience of a lifetime. Love that place.  Truly one of the happiest places on earth.

Got to experience Mardi Gras, taste all the wonderful food and culture the city had to offer.

Caves, Basbeball and Bourbon made up the little trip.

Absolutely stunning.  We definetly need to go back here.

Frozen Hot Chocolate

Over the last five years we have made some pretty awesome purchases too.  Besides just being a traveler.
My very first home
And not to be forgotten by any means our recent purchase...swagtime the boat.
Of course one can not overlook the health perks of being a nonsmoker.  After all you need something to keep you busy.  And I rediscovered my love for the outdoors.  Then found a new love or an outlet in running.
First up the outdoors.....
My first backpacking trip. We will just forget the whole tornado warning portion of the trip.
Kayaking, which currently think it is really just turtle stalking lately
Then there is the running.  This not only brought me happiness and a sense of accomplishment throughout the years, but also led to my son discovering his love of running.  This will be something that we will forever have together.  Being a runner and the community that surrounds runners has made us better people.
Our very first 5k
Ha you thought that was crazy.  How about our very first 10k together.  Of course mom got beat by him in both, darn it.
Since I still had some sanity about a Half Marathon.  13.1 miles. Forest just did the 10k.  This wassuch a great feeling of accomplishment.  This moment I felt like I could overcome any obstacle put in front of me.
Now this would be the very first time I placed in my age group.  Think I was the most excited girl in the room.  I felt so grateful that day.
Then sometimes you just have to get a little dirty.  This was something bmy son really wanted to do.  Our first mudrun.
Here I sit five years later reflecting back on all the greatness, accomplishments, and joys that were had.  That decision to quit smoking was one of the greatest.  I will never regret it. Nor will I ever go back. Happy 5th anniversary to me!!
Dawn Marie

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