Tuesday, August 13, 2013

No Way That's Awesome

Yeah. Of course that is what he said. Hello.  A conversation with the boss.
 It just so happens that this lucky girl has off tomorrow. And the rest of the week, but for now we will jus focus on tomorrow.  

Bossman:  What are you going to do?

Myself: Take the kids shopping for their winter clothes

Bossman: What the heck summer is not even over!

My Explanation: We live in a small town. My hubbie got a warranty on my diamond, so I need to have it checked every six months. Figured since we are going to be  down there (aka the big city) I would release the kids winter clothes budget to them. 

Bossman response: What they have a clothes budget? How much and how do you determine that?

Myself:  It completely relates to their grades over the school year.

How does this work you ask along with the bossman?
Simple. For the winter budget we pay:
A : $20
B : $10
C : $0 
D : -$10
F : -$20  
Why yes, you saw that correct...if you are below average, we take from your budget total.  If an adult doesn't show up and do their best, they don't get paid. So we see no reason why the kids should (our opinions)  We would under extreme circumstance in which the kids were doing 10x's more effort would we not take away money for a D or F. Now for summer we cut the numbers in half.

Prior to us going shopping, they also must have gone thru the clothes to determine what they need versus want. Then we leave it up to them to purchase the items they need. If they have money left after the needs, we then give them some options:  purchase an item they want, roll the money over to the next season, or to save it for a possible more expensive clothing item they want.

Hopefully doing this within our household will teach them budgeting, need versus want, and that you acheieve more with hard work. So far this concept works well with our family.

Interested in other ways we do things with our kids aka teenagers in our crazy little sack, please drop us an email, post a comment, or heck even send a carrier pigeon (just give me a heads up on this one so I know why there is a bird looking at me funny outside the window).

Curious how the teenagers did on the excursion...keep an eye out for a teenager haul post.

Dawn Marie

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