Thursday, April 30, 2015

Work it Out - April

Since I am basically sitting here scratching my head on how this month actually went, I think that sums it up.   As a I did what??  I hit all my marks right up until the Badgers beat Kentucky.  Then it was kind of downhill.  Which really wasn't to horrible since I was tapering anyways.   Sadly though I did not do my goal half marathon.  We made the decision the day before when the weather man stated a high rain percentage for the race times.  Yeah sorry this girl does not run in 45 degree rain, nope.   Turns out though the next was sunny.  So here is to you weather man....

We will just disregard the fact that the Forest had Prom the day before and we all know that there would be no way that he was going to be moving anything at that time of the morning. 

After that I just stayed with my normal schedule and did some easy work for the week. 

Now getting up to speed to today, this week has been a shitshow to say the least.  A few items going on led to me missing out on my normal routine.  Which we have concluded makes me very intolerable to the the point that the hubbie got up early to make sure I made absolutely no excuse on why I couldn't be on the treadmill.  Of course by this point, I could barely tolerate myself...clearly I made my run...and blah blah it helps.

On the horizon,  maintaining my long distance mileage and two 5k's.  I am hoping for a race PR on each of them. Then if I got an overall PR on one of these, I would seriously piss myself...goals people of those is a hilly monster and we got rained out the last
Now on to next month and hopefully some actual glory to report.

1 comment:

  1. I am intolerable when I'm off schedule too. Here's to being back at it!
