Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Must Read Fave Books

Today, I want to share with everyone my lifetime, fave, must read books for Kenzie's 12x30 Challenge.
1. First and Foremost, The Harry Potter Series.
I was late on the Harry Potter bandwagon.  Thanks to a very persuasive friend who let me borrow her first one, I got sucked in.  Let me say I finished the first one in a weekend.  Then basically pre-ordered them as they came out after I got up.  Which if you can tell by the hardcovers was around book 6.
2.   Percy Jackson Series
I have also read the entire series and moved onto the spin off.  The originals are still my favorite.
3. House of Dies Drear

A classic read. I have since past it to the steppie for her to fall in love with.
Ok and moving on from the teen type books, hey they are good, what can I say.
4. Holocaust Survival Stories
I truly love to read the perseverance of the individuals who had suffered and survived thru this time in history.  I am still amazed at the atrocities that occurred.  Above are two of my favorites.
5. Girl with a Dragon Tattoo series
Yet another series that I demolished.  Sadly the original author has passed away.  Rumor has it that another writer will be stepping in with his pen to progress the series.  I am anxious to see where he takes Lisbeth.
6. A Stolen Life
Yet another tale of resilience at it's finest. A word to the wise this book is not, in my opinion, for those under the age of 18.  It is graphic and terrifying.  To think a young woman could come away from that with positivity and zest to raise her children is remarkable.
There you have what I currently feel are my must read books. And a little bird told me about the amazon list of 100 must read's and I am intrigued.  So my already long list of want to reads will probably be expanding, again.
Thank goodness for long summer days.

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