Oh spring is in the air and leading to the yearning of longer summer days. The grass is finally getting greener...and the birds are coming back. Speaking of birds, above is my new feeder and come to find out the birds loved. Since they loved it so much, I went and bought another one for the back tree. These are made out of bamboo and there is screen on the bottom to help keep the food dry. Since I am suddenly attracting all of these birds, I thought they needed a bird bath. I put a small one out the other day. When I caught Mr. Bird above drinking from it, I was over the moon (to say the least). Which led me to feel that I needed a bigger one. Well now those things aren't cheap. But then as we were driving to the Ledge on Saturday, we found one for free on the side of the road.
Nothing spectacular, but it is all mine. Now to rearrange the feeder since it seems that our little birds are messy eaters.
Now on with some more of the weekend fun. Saturday Morning-Early Afternoon was spent watching the Forest play baseball. It was a beautiful day for it.
Sadly our team lost. There were a few times when I thought some of the kids were going to hit it out of the park, amazing.
After that and to not miss a minute of the beautiful weather, we grabbed up the furry kids and headed for some fresh are hiking at the ledge.
Our number one mission was to check out the site we reserved for our very first camping trip with our new camper. And we have a date for it coming to, which thankfully is before we are due to go camping.
Then we attempted to do a little geocaching, but were not very prepared. Because gosh darn there is one out at the ledge that we have not found yet. That will get found this year.
This was Little Man's first time out hiking. He did super good for his first time. Now to work on his barking at random people. He is a never ending ball of energy, so this hike was perfect for him.
After everybody was at the point of exhaustion we headed home for dinner. Later in the evening we soaked up more of the wonderful weather with having a fire in the backyard.
Marshmallows and Wine, of course. Come to find out that Little Man absolutely loves marshmallows and almost attacked the steppie to grab her marshmallows. He just couldn't get enough...and honestly, he doesn't need an extra energy.
Sunday started off with our same old, same old...cleaning the house, getting grocery shopping done. Until the hubbie decided that the jetski had to go into the water. Oh yeah no complaints from this girl. I was slightly worried though since it was windy. Which then also meant that we could not run the river down to my little bros. First up was the hubbie...
Oh yeah check those waves. Then it was my turn.
And of course the steppie has to catch a quick ride.
Didn't even drop her off the back...
And she was still smiling. I think she will be getting that boating class done pretty quickly, so she can drive herself. And the water was absolutely frigid.
Now when you are freezing, no better reason then to hit the ice cream station, right. Oh and I should mention our newly remodeled looking amazeballs ice cream station.
Oh dear weekend, what a lovely preview of summer you had given us...even if it was still a little chilly. Until we meet again, hopefully sooner rather than later.
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