Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday Mish Mash Thoughts

It's Friday, it's late and my brain is complete mush, which means that it is always fun doing a random brain dump.   You know you have to lighten the load up there some how.

A volcano erupted in Chile this week.  Did you realize that our glorious Yellowstone is a volcano...a very large volcano that is just waiting to erupt and basic cause the end of the world.  Yep, it is.

A Jeep Renegade...and suddenly I think I have fallen in love with yet another funky, ugly car.  hey jeep, let me do a review for you on this awesome little rugid grocery adventure go getter.  Please.


Today I read that grouping things together in an odd numbers on shelves makes for a better arrangement. Now that has me wondering does this apply to dogs?  Could this possibly be why the city only allows 3?  Just for people's viewing pleasure.

I finished "Wild"....finally.  Now I am anxious to see the movie, well except the part with the horse dying.  We will just skip that.

Today I am very grateful for White Chocolate M&Ms.....and now they are gone, peace out.

Rocket dog boots/shoes or whatevers came in the mail.  They are funky and weird...yet cool.
And that is it or all you are getting from me at this time of I am getting the H E double hockey sticks out of this place.  Let's here it for the weekend and getting our camper!!
Peace out, loves

1 comment:

  1. Mau cari yang terpercaya silakan mampir kesini gan ??? Pusat Jual Obat Aborsi Terpercaya / Obat Telat Bulan / Obat Penggugur Kandungan. Good Doctor Company memberikan Cara Menggugurkan kandungan dengan aman dan dipercaya oleh ratusan pelanggan, BUKTIKAN !!!

    Atau mau lihat Jual Obat Aborsi Terpercaya atau cukup dengan Obat Aborsi ampuh
