Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A Day in the Life...round 2

Hello, and Welcome back to a day in the life round 2.  Now this one occurred on a weekday, so needless to say I had to work and it maybe slightly boring. Oh well it is a day in the life...if only I was a rockstar.

3:30 AM - Yeppers that is when the alarm goes off and the day starts.
4:30 AM - Tossing the last few things in the gym bag to get my butt out the door
5:30 AM - Finishing the last stretch of my drive, I drive like an hour to work and the gym is in my work
6:30 AM - It was a strength training day
7:30 AM - Getting ready to go to work, my lovely locker
8:30 AM - Little Breakfast Time at the desk
9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM -  Oh you know just working like a boss.
12:30 - Back to working like a boss after lunch
1:30 PM - Still working away
2:30 PM - Oh checking the important emails, like does this recipe sound interesting
3:30 PM - Afternoon snackie time
4:30, 5:30 PM - Tick Tock, still working
6:30 PM - Driving home
7:30 PM - Checking the brackets March Madness
8:30 PM - Pretty face washing time
9:30 PM - Lights out all ready

And that is basically an everyday work day for me.  Kind of full yet boring, guess I will see what excitement I can bring to everyone this next month.

1 comment:

  1. I love to have an avocado in the afternoon!

    I can't believe you get up at 3:30. God bless you.
