Thursday, October 16, 2014

Weiner Wisdom - Branching Out

Hello, it is I Chuck the Chiweenie. It seems like it has been sometime since I have visited mommie's blog.  With summer definitely passed my days have to now be spent relaxing in the kennel while the teenagers go to school and mommie and daddie work.   This kennel time provides me a great deal of time to think and come up with my next great adventure.
While I was laying in the kennel listening to Bullet snore, all day.  He is lazy.  He just sleeps while I contemplate the inner workings of our everyday mundane details and how we can progress forward instead of lazily sitting with out a call to action. 
During one of my contemplation moments, I was rather upset regarding the weekend activities in which my mommie decided to dress me up like a squirrel.  Does she not know the dangers of this and recall that my puppy brother is the eviscerator.  Thankfully she did not leave me with him and I stuck right close by her side. 
Then it came to me.  She places me in these different types of clothing, tells me to look this way, or stand like this.  She just realizes that I am truly handsome and would be a perfect puppy model.  All along she has been teaching me how to branch out instead of just sitting her wasting my days during the winter.  The cul de sac does not require much protection in winter.  No one likes to go out into that cold.  Now let me continue with my puppy modeling portfolio, I mean proof of her faith that I will be a fantastic puppy model.
Remember this stellar representation of my culture.  This picture was even titled.  She must be sending these into the puppy modeling companies, I just know it.  I must be extra careful now to ensure that I am always looking my best.
This is the rugged outdoor Chuck.  We will just disregard that looking so fierce she forgot to take the picture in the great outdoors.
Here is the perfect picture of how a beach model would present a companies sunglasses to them.  Yes, we do not wear swimsuits.  It is more appealing to people for summer photos when you are dressed (or not dressed) scandalously.
Not sure what the intent was on this, we will assume it was a moment in which she felt I could branch out with my artsy side.
Then one cannot forget how to take the most perfect holiday/winter photos.  The key is to poise correctly so everyone may see the details of the sweater.  Someday these will grace every households' Christmas cards.
Now the one thing that I will be working on is the assurance that I have something that will set me apart from the rest of the puppy models.  My signature shall be known as "chucking"
Look closely to Chuck you must put one ear up and one ear down. 

Good luck copying this one. It takes tons of practice and skill. I shall trademark it though just in case.  Behold Chucking. 
Next up I shall launch my very own clothing line so everyone everywhere can represent Chuck the Chiweenie.  I can see it now coming to a store near you, Chuckwear. 
Go ahead be like the cool kids, peace out


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