Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Blogtober - If I won the lottery...

Helene in Between
Since I am always up for a challenge, this month I am going to be joining Helene and Taylor for the Blogtober challenge.  The everyday posts and other link ups will still be here, there will just be some extra goodness for our readers.
If I won the lottery.....and it was not just a dollar or five, it was like the big holy banana jammer jackpot.
  1. First and foremost I would call an attorney. The number of shady people in the world this would be a necessity.
  2. Holler, Hello I won the Lottery B$itches and make it all official and stuff.
  3. Which could actually be considered number one after all the technicalities are out of the way.  Pay off all of my families and my debt, so no one would need to worry about that anymore.
  4. Put away money for all my littles to go to college (oh and no college, no money)
  5. Take a dream vacation with my family
  6. Invest the rest

After that I think it would be a fly by the seat of my pants scenario. Now let's say I won like $5...
  1. Holler...I just won like $5 people, which meant I actually bought a ticket. And we will just not hope that I spent $10 to get that five...anyway Holler I got $5.
  2. By another lottery ticket to see if this is a streak.
  3. Then by me a treat (like a kwik trip pepper jack tornado, those are the bomb) 
And this is what would go down, if I won the lottery.   What about you?  Link up the girls and share.


  1. Hey Dawn,
    i've just found you through Blogtember roundup.
    Totally loving & supporting your travel ideas. A dream vacation with the family can be such a blast. The question is: Where would you go first?
    Never stop dreaming.
    Luchessa @

  2. calling at attorney is a REALLY bright idea haha! best decision is a smart one :)

  3. ahah I love this! I win 2 dollar ones a lot...but I also spend 2 dollar to get the ticket!

  4. Haha this was great!!

    I found you through the #blogtober14 challenge, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your posts for the rest of the challenge :)


  5. I'm not even sure if I would hire an attorney because I would be so worried they would rip me off!

