Monday, September 30, 2013

September Fave Five

Wow and here I thought that the summer months were going fast.  Look up and is the end of September already.   With that means time to round up some of my favorite things for the month.

  1. A glorious weekend in September that made you feel like is was still August to enjoy some swagtime.

2.  Cross Country Season
3.  All things that point the fall season is upon us such as....
Fall scents
 Scary Movies
Puffer Vests
Owls because they are cool right now  :)
4.An amazingly awesome kids birthday.  I am not sure how I could be so lucky.
5. Being a foodie and all the awesomeness we tried this month.


Hope everyone had a wonderful September.  xoxo, Dawn Marie


  1. I have been loving everything owl lately as well! They are just so cute and seem perfect for fall :) Puffy vests and fall smells - yes please! Scary movies - not for me! I get way so scared and end up just sitting in the movie with my eyes closed the whole time! Happy Last Day of September!

  2. Owls are my favorite! I recently got this adorable owl necklace that I can't wait to wear! Also. crunchy leaves on sidewalks. Call me five years old, but I will go out of my way to step on them!

    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts
