Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Wisconsin Weekend

Alrighty let's round up our true Wisconsin weekend here.  This weekend was  a stellar example of Wisconsin weather (less the snow).  Saturday high 85 degrees - Sunday High 70 degrees.
First up a few more random thoughts of things from Friday.  Was going to put as priority for the weekend transitioning the living room to the fall season and busting my butt to get things back in order since the painting and carpet cleaning.  How did that go? Not as well as expected. After all there were fun things to do.  Got somethings accomplished on Sunday.
Our other mission was buying a gas grill and a housewarming gift for my uncle. My uncle gave us by far the best house warming gift when we bought our home. Toilet paper and paper towels.  Now one just can not beat that.  Of course, we ended up getting neither Saturday morning.  Grill not in stock.  Could not find what I had in my mind for my uncle.  Something to sit on his deck that lights up via solar powered and not a boring stake in the ground light.  Our quest shall continue.
With the forecast of 85 degrees, was hoping we could figure out a way to squeeze in a boat trip over the weekend.  Really wanted to get the dogs in the boat for the first time.  After running to the pet store Friday to score a doggie life vest, plans were set in motion.  Saturday afternoon equals lake time.  And there was barely anyone on the lake.  Summer does not end with Labor Day people.  If we get a 90 degree day in February and there is enough ice melt, you can bet that I will be talking someone to putting Swagtime aka our boat in the water.  Anyways...enjoy (and brace yourself) the snippets.

 This is a young bald eagle in the tree

 Charlie was very content to just stand on these rocks aka dry land

Bullet exploring

And then Bullet proceeding to attempt to chase what the boys were throwing

Trying to fetch the biggest stick ever...too bad this was stuck in the ground

Charlie doing a mommie protect me

And Bullet enjoying the ride home...Goodness do I love being on the water.
Now on Sunday with the cooler weather there was no way we were going to do boat time.  Aside from straightening up the living room also managed to get one project done.   The food contest trophy.   Decided that instead of giving someone something related to the food contest each year for a trophy, I would combine them and add on something each year.  Right now we are in year three and this is what is on it so far:   Weiner Dog (ha, ha) for the year 1 Hot Dog Contest.   Pig was the bacon contest last year.  Then of course the chicken for this years contest of chicken wings.  Where's the picture you ask....tomorrow.  Will put it up just for you lovelies on Wordless Wednesday after I take a picture of it with my hopefully new camera I am picking up.  Yay. Super excited for an upgrade.
With the cooler weather, the contemplation of a place to take some anniversary & family pictures, and the intent of doing some fall camping, it was a perfect combination to come up with an excuse to go out to Ledge Park for some hiking.  Little brother and babies in tow we were off to the Ledge.  I was also trying to decide if I would like to upgrade my camera.  This day gave me the perfect opportunity to try my mom's camera out. Obvious from the paragraph before the answer was heck yes a new camera.  Here are the results from our day:

Found some pretty awesome spots...plus got to take some pictures for/with the little brother.

Full out tannie mode...documented to be presented to your first girlfriend.

  Love this picture. Each one of their personalities just seems to shine thru.

This would have been awesome if the Morgie was not shaking his head.

 Goodness do I love these dorks

Glorious day for the hike.
Well now that pretty much rounded out our fun filled weekend.  What's next? Getting my new camera, super duper excited.  Jumping up and down over here. 

Peace out, xoxo   Dawn Marie

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