Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Washed out Weekend

Now that was a washed out weekend.  Gorgeous day on Saturday spent doing nothing. Boo. Woke up with a headache, opted out of trying to squeeze my run in before trying to get my son into the doctor.  For the reasoning you will just need to hold onto your britches.  After all morning at the doctor.  Looking at this...well I knew I would be waiting for awhile, so I took my camera to mess around with.

Just ended up working on a few projects for the rest of the day  (sigh).  The only thing that these did accomplish was defining my love of mod podge.  One project is done....super simple.  Here is is.

Step 1 - paint canvas and let dry

Step 2 - Apply modge podge to the back of the picture, place on the canvas, and then coat with modge podge

Step 3 - Wait until dry and poof, you have this.
Super Easy.  Completely understanding everyones love of modge podge.  A few more things to do and I will be able to fill up yet another wall in our bedroom.

Sunday was literally a wash.  Rain, rain and more rain.  Set the alarm determined to get my run in. Only to hear the pitter patter of little rain drops outside.  After that slept in for an hour, then got all my Sunday house stuff in order.  You know menu planning, grocery lists, cleaning and wash. Blah, blah. Then it was off to the gym for some long time on the treadmill. 

My half marathon is two weeks out and really needed to get in a 12 mile run.  Not sure what it was this time around.  Possibly the movie I was watching.  I made it my 12 miles and then some.  End result of the day = 15 miles.  Yep, I am ready.  

Now, I have done half marathons before.  This time a friend is doing her first half with me.  I am running with her for support, encouragement etc.  She is slower then me.  My run on Sunday was going to be a let's make sure after some slacking I can still haul my behind 13 miles.   Once the 13 hit, then it was the: well really I am going to be out there for 20 more minutes, better keep going.  So after 2 1/2 hours, 15 miles were under my belt.  Called it a day.

Major lesson I learned from this little endeavor.  Do not rely on the cafeteria to be open.  I felt like I was going to drop over about 30 minutes after my run.  Made it home to consume some glorious chocolate milk.  This is the world's greatest recovery drink.  Then caught a quick nap.

Afterwards, it was off to confirm what campsite we wanted for our fall camping excursion and a trip to the grocery store.  Bedtime on Sunday could not come soon enough.

And yep, that was all she wrote folks. Another weekend in the books.

Dawn Marie

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