Here we are again on Tuesday writing about the weekend. Of course in all technicalities this weekend for me was extra long and started last Wednesday. Which in this girl's little brain means that I get a little longer to play catch up.
Alrighty then let's get this thing to light up (literally people). The day finally came for our little family couch burning BBQ. Seriously we planned a BBQ aronud burning a couch. Why would one burn a couch? Well we kind of had it since we moved in (about 3 years), it was a hand-me down, not really our style, it's fun, and plus we bought a new one. Yay.
Perfect BBQ glassware. Was so excited that I finally had an excuse to buy these. (
Those little bottle cap tops were actaully coasters. Found those at Target in the dollar area.
Now all those sodas. Found those at World Market. There were so many flavors from a bubble gum, honey lemonade, orange, root beer, cola etc. It was so much fun passing around and tasting the different flavors.
Our end of the night bottle collection.
Now the guest list or line up....
My little brother is just a little crazy. In an awesome sort of way of course.
Goodness then did we have the food....chicken, ribs, watermelon, coleslaw, potato salad, brownies
Why yes those are red solo cup string lights, oh yeah awesome I know. Shopko again people.
Grandpa even managed to make it out for dinner. At first he wasn't going to show (other priorities, he volunteers with an organization). Then we had the grandkid, Forest, call and poof here comes Grandpa. Nice that he joined us for dinner before having to go take care of business.
The perks of the little bro living by the river. Took the steppie out on her first peddle boat ride. We went and stalked the neighbors chicken. For some reason though those chickens were just not interested in a peddle boat ride with us girls. Can't blame them with how many circles I managed to steer us in. Bet they were just sitting on the shoreline clucking at how silly we were.
Last and finally not least was when we finally burnt the couch.....
The couch went up in flames way quicker then I ever could have imagined. Fire was so hot you could barely stand by it. Crazy.
And last but not least an unexpected visitor who decided to enjoy watching the fire. Mr Tree Frog.
Sizzling out of Saturday....Since that was only Saturday and I am a firm believer that we go to work to rest from the weekend. Let's take a look at our Sunday crazy. Those darn boys just wanted to take break. This girl whined though and.....we got to go play on the water!!
Trying out the top on swagtime
The sandbar was just a hopping
Yet another gorgeous weekend with the family. Now as I said before, time to rest up for next weekend. Peace out my people
Dawn Marie