And here we are again another Monday. Mother nature this weekend was not very kind to us in Wisconsin, like she forgot it was after Memorial Day and temps should be at least mid to upper 60's with no rain. I guess though, rain and cold equals getting much needed stuff done.
Friday evening was shopping with my son to get us ready for our trip to Mexico. After dropping way to much at Kohls, we hit Applebees for dinner. In which I came to the conclusion, I like Applebees much better for midday appetizer and cocktails then dinner.
Now since everyone seems to do is my look what I scored at Walmart haul.
Oh that is Spiderman Sunscreen, an air horn and of course, a pool noodle. Now looking at this combination now, it really doesn't seem to bad and kind of makes sense.
Saturday was a rainy, cold day. Since my littles were coming over later in the day, we ran a few errands and stopped at the Chinese restaurant for lunch. Egg Drop soup warms me. A super bonus was I discovered that Shopko carries my new found snack love. I may have or have not bought like $20 worth too.
Then before the littles arrived I planted my basil plant. And then the littles arrived. We had spaghetti o's for dinner, went for a walk, and played at the park. Well that was right up until Auntie Dawn ripped her pants on a nail. Thank goodness one of them was warm and I had a sweatshirt to wrap around my waist to prevent the world for seeing my butt. Ripped pants are pretty much the equivalent of farting to little boys...the laughing just did not stop.
Now after the littles left, I finally decided to bite the bullet and signed up for Amazon Prime. Which in turn led to something that has never happened for me...binge watching. The hubbie and I discovered a show called "Falling Skies". Three episodes later it was time for bed, like midnight time for bed.
That meant that I actually slept until 8:00 am on Sunday before we did our normal Sunday running around. And I cleaned the oven, which led me to forgetting about the fact that I was cleaning the oven and bought a pizza for lunch. It was all good and I had a legit excuse to experiment with making it on the grill. It was delicious. Then I tried to start packing for Mexico. My dear little dogs would not stay in their designated suitcases though. Guess they will be staying home with daddie.
Sunday concluded with a trip to the ice cream station since my teenagers weren't home for dinner due to sitting at one of the longest Brewer games ever...17 innings the game was. Thankfully the Brewers won! Oh and the hubbie and I squeezed in another episode of "Falling Skies".
There you have the weekend that was....
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