Thursday, April 30, 2015

Work it Out - April

Since I am basically sitting here scratching my head on how this month actually went, I think that sums it up.   As a I did what??  I hit all my marks right up until the Badgers beat Kentucky.  Then it was kind of downhill.  Which really wasn't to horrible since I was tapering anyways.   Sadly though I did not do my goal half marathon.  We made the decision the day before when the weather man stated a high rain percentage for the race times.  Yeah sorry this girl does not run in 45 degree rain, nope.   Turns out though the next was sunny.  So here is to you weather man....

We will just disregard the fact that the Forest had Prom the day before and we all know that there would be no way that he was going to be moving anything at that time of the morning. 

After that I just stayed with my normal schedule and did some easy work for the week. 

Now getting up to speed to today, this week has been a shitshow to say the least.  A few items going on led to me missing out on my normal routine.  Which we have concluded makes me very intolerable to the the point that the hubbie got up early to make sure I made absolutely no excuse on why I couldn't be on the treadmill.  Of course by this point, I could barely tolerate myself...clearly I made my run...and blah blah it helps.

On the horizon,  maintaining my long distance mileage and two 5k's.  I am hoping for a race PR on each of them. Then if I got an overall PR on one of these, I would seriously piss myself...goals people of those is a hilly monster and we got rained out the last
Now on to next month and hopefully some actual glory to report.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Ghosts of Weekend Past - Camper Time

Stop it's camper time, finally.  Finally we brought the camper home.  So basically that would sum up what the whole weekend was about.  Friday though started with a cold wet baseball game.  Which let me say was ok since we then used it as an excuse to hit my fave mexican restaurant after we picked up the steppie from her softball game.  Two kids, two games in two different cities and two losses.

Saturday was pretty much all about the camper.  We had to go and get it in the morning and then we hit the local bar for lunch.  Due to everything that was going on sadly we missed out on an open house and comedy sportz.   Anyways here is a little glimpse at the camper.

The steppie was already working on claiming her spot and Chuck was basking in the glory that his pampered furry self no longer has to sleep in the tent.  Basically that was our afternoon, tinkering in the camper.  Once we are a little settled, watch for a little camper tour.

Saturday evening the steppie joined me for a little late night house shopping adventure.   And this is what occurs when a teenager is out to late.

Yeah that is a camo boa with star spangled flowers, folks.

Then Sunday found us getting all the house stuff done, tinkering in the camper, and having the family around for our Sunday night dinner.  My boys...
That was the weekend that was now off to start another busy week...

Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday Mish Mash Thoughts

It's Friday, it's late and my brain is complete mush, which means that it is always fun doing a random brain dump.   You know you have to lighten the load up there some how.

A volcano erupted in Chile this week.  Did you realize that our glorious Yellowstone is a volcano...a very large volcano that is just waiting to erupt and basic cause the end of the world.  Yep, it is.

A Jeep Renegade...and suddenly I think I have fallen in love with yet another funky, ugly car.  hey jeep, let me do a review for you on this awesome little rugid grocery adventure go getter.  Please.


Today I read that grouping things together in an odd numbers on shelves makes for a better arrangement. Now that has me wondering does this apply to dogs?  Could this possibly be why the city only allows 3?  Just for people's viewing pleasure.

I finished "Wild"....finally.  Now I am anxious to see the movie, well except the part with the horse dying.  We will just skip that.

Today I am very grateful for White Chocolate M&Ms.....and now they are gone, peace out.

Rocket dog boots/shoes or whatevers came in the mail.  They are funky and weird...yet cool.
And that is it or all you are getting from me at this time of I am getting the H E double hockey sticks out of this place.  Let's here it for the weekend and getting our camper!!
Peace out, loves

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A Day in the Life...round 2

Hello, and Welcome back to a day in the life round 2.  Now this one occurred on a weekday, so needless to say I had to work and it maybe slightly boring. Oh well it is a day in the life...if only I was a rockstar.

3:30 AM - Yeppers that is when the alarm goes off and the day starts.
4:30 AM - Tossing the last few things in the gym bag to get my butt out the door
5:30 AM - Finishing the last stretch of my drive, I drive like an hour to work and the gym is in my work
6:30 AM - It was a strength training day
7:30 AM - Getting ready to go to work, my lovely locker
8:30 AM - Little Breakfast Time at the desk
9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM -  Oh you know just working like a boss.
12:30 - Back to working like a boss after lunch
1:30 PM - Still working away
2:30 PM - Oh checking the important emails, like does this recipe sound interesting
3:30 PM - Afternoon snackie time
4:30, 5:30 PM - Tick Tock, still working
6:30 PM - Driving home
7:30 PM - Checking the brackets March Madness
8:30 PM - Pretty face washing time
9:30 PM - Lights out all ready

And that is basically an everyday work day for me.  Kind of full yet boring, guess I will see what excitement I can bring to everyone this next month.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Ghosts of Weekends Past

Write this weekend down as gorgeous.  My Friday evening should have started with a little baseball game, but no.  Cancellation due to a bus being unavailable.  Think that will go down as the first time I have heard that one.  Which ended up being ok since I got to hang out by my mom's for a bit and check out the new shoes she bought plus the gold sandals that she found for me.  We also had a little side trip to the ledge....aside from the mosquitos, yes fricken' mosquitos already argh, I did get to see this beauty...

Saturday was pretty much all about my son's junior prom.  Except for a morning trip to the feed mill, where I bought a new hummingbird feeder that lights up.  Anyways, prom, prom and more prom.  Forest had a haircut appointment that morning/afternoon and much to my surprise, his barber has land like right next door to my parents "up north".   Talk about a small world.  So of course we had to chit chat about that.  And aside from that his barber shop rocked because he had this on the table...
For real, that is seriously a book about the birds that are on our favorite boating lake.  Oh and clearly by the cover it has some rocking pictures of the bald eagles that make the Sinissippi their home.
After that it was of course the waiting game before the getting ready part, which in boy time is a whole 15 minutes, not hours.
Chuck was very concerned of course and ensured that Forest was rocking his bow tie in the correct manner.  Then it was off to more pictures...
Maybe K could just pull him to the prom.

They looked absolutely amazing.  Now while they were doing there thing, I got to chill at home with the hubbie and pups.
Checked out my flowers

Gave random belly rubs in the yard

Filled the feeder for our feathered and fluffy (squirrel) friends and...
Chuck even got off the couch to hang out.  Not saying he got off the deck nor he was happy about the picture...but he was outside.
And then it was back to Prom for the grand march.  Forest and K were on court.
Have I mentioned they are adorable.  I know they will love reading that.  The rest of my night was spent chilling at home.
Sunday our decision to not run the half marathon (sad) was realized. It was decided the day before when we were checking the weather at which at the time stated rain.  Of course, it turned out to be a beautiful day.  Did some work around the house and then hit the local outlet mall with my Forest for some clothes.
After that it was just the normal chilling, grilling....some ice cream...and tv viewing with the hubbie.
There you have our little weekend that was.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Must Read Fave Books

Today, I want to share with everyone my lifetime, fave, must read books for Kenzie's 12x30 Challenge.
1. First and Foremost, The Harry Potter Series.
I was late on the Harry Potter bandwagon.  Thanks to a very persuasive friend who let me borrow her first one, I got sucked in.  Let me say I finished the first one in a weekend.  Then basically pre-ordered them as they came out after I got up.  Which if you can tell by the hardcovers was around book 6.
2.   Percy Jackson Series
I have also read the entire series and moved onto the spin off.  The originals are still my favorite.
3. House of Dies Drear

A classic read. I have since past it to the steppie for her to fall in love with.
Ok and moving on from the teen type books, hey they are good, what can I say.
4. Holocaust Survival Stories
I truly love to read the perseverance of the individuals who had suffered and survived thru this time in history.  I am still amazed at the atrocities that occurred.  Above are two of my favorites.
5. Girl with a Dragon Tattoo series
Yet another series that I demolished.  Sadly the original author has passed away.  Rumor has it that another writer will be stepping in with his pen to progress the series.  I am anxious to see where he takes Lisbeth.
6. A Stolen Life
Yet another tale of resilience at it's finest. A word to the wise this book is not, in my opinion, for those under the age of 18.  It is graphic and terrifying.  To think a young woman could come away from that with positivity and zest to raise her children is remarkable.
There you have what I currently feel are my must read books. And a little bird told me about the amazon list of 100 must read's and I am intrigued.  So my already long list of want to reads will probably be expanding, again.
Thank goodness for long summer days.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Ghosts of Weekend Pasts - Get Outside

Oh spring is in the air and leading to the yearning of longer summer days.   The grass is finally getting greener...and the birds are coming back.  Speaking of birds, above is my new feeder and come to find out the birds loved.  Since they loved it so much, I went and bought another one for the back tree.  These are made out of bamboo and there is screen on the bottom to help keep the food dry.  Since I am suddenly attracting all of these birds, I thought they needed a bird bath.  I put a small one out the other day.  When I caught Mr. Bird above drinking from it, I was over the moon (to say the least).  Which led me to feel that I needed a bigger one.  Well now those things aren't cheap.  But then as we were driving to the Ledge on Saturday, we found one for free on the side of the road.

Nothing spectacular, but it is all mine.  Now to rearrange the feeder since it seems that our little birds are messy eaters.

Now on with some more of the weekend fun.  Saturday Morning-Early Afternoon was spent watching the Forest play baseball.  It was a beautiful day for it.

Sadly our team lost.  There were a few times when I thought some of the kids were going to hit it out of the park, amazing.

After that and to not miss a minute of the beautiful weather, we grabbed up the furry kids and headed for some fresh are hiking at the ledge.

Our number one mission was to check out the site we reserved for our very first camping trip with our new camper.  And we have a date for it coming to, which thankfully is before we are due to go camping.

Then we attempted to do a little geocaching, but were not very prepared.  Because gosh darn there is one out at the ledge that we have not found yet.  That will get found this year.

This was Little Man's first time out hiking.  He did super good for his first time.  Now to work on his barking at random people.  He is a never ending ball of energy, so this hike was perfect for him.

After everybody was at the point of exhaustion we headed home for dinner.  Later in the evening we soaked up more of the wonderful weather with having a fire in the backyard.

Marshmallows and Wine, of course.  Come to find out that Little Man absolutely loves marshmallows and almost attacked the steppie to grab her marshmallows.  He just couldn't get enough...and honestly, he doesn't need an extra energy.

Sunday started off with our same old, same the house, getting grocery shopping done.  Until the hubbie decided that the jetski had to go into the water.  Oh yeah no complaints from this girl.  I was slightly worried though since it was windy.  Which then also meant that we could not run the river down to my little bros.  First up was the hubbie...

Oh yeah check those waves. Then it was my turn.

And of course the steppie has to catch a quick ride.

Didn't even drop her off the back...

And she was still smiling.  I think she will be getting that boating class done pretty quickly, so she can drive herself.   And the water was absolutely frigid.

Now when you are freezing, no better reason then to hit the ice cream station, right.  Oh and I should mention our newly remodeled looking amazeballs ice cream station.

Oh dear weekend, what a lovely preview of summer you had given us...even if it was still a little chilly.  Until we meet again, hopefully sooner rather than later.