Saturday left me running around like chicken with my head cut off...not as cute as these guys.
This would be from one of my stops, The Flower Shoppe to pick up a corsage for Forest for his winter fest date. And now here is how Saturday went down.
Numero Uno get up and get the running done. Oh and I have a brand new alarm noise which would be "I'm an Albatroz". Happy bouncy an get me moving alarm. The run was 11 miles this week...and since I was jamming only one episode of "House of Lies".
Then it was off to evil giant of Wal-Mart to get the house shopping done. What I can say though is this Wal-Mart has the greatest range of air fresheners, so needless to say I stocked up. After that I had to take a little side trip to Maurices. Found the cutest shirt and cardigan...because hello this girl has cardigan problems.
Next up was the flower shop to pick up the corsage. I do enjoy going here since they have so many others things to look at like this...
I am seriously in love with this mirror. Wish I would have taken the time to find out how much.
With that accomplished, it was off to get some grocery shopping done. Since I discovered that I was getting rather hangry and McDonalds had shamrock shakes...I stopped and low and behold they had...
They had SpongeBob happy meals, so why not. Now for someone who has not ordered a happy meal in forever, I was a little stressed at the drive up when I was picking my items. I was like I will have the chicken nuggets....uuuuhhhhh apples, and a chocolate milk. My brain was thinking...what the heck is up with the healthy apple crap, I am at McDonalds I want fries. Whatever. So you can imagine the joy when I got home to discover yes there is still fries in there. Thank goodness. Apples are still in the fridge too.
Yeah that is my cool spongebob toy. It makes noises when you move your straw.
While I was impatiently waiting for the next event to occur, the Forest and I worked on his very first tax return.
Finally it was Winterfest time.....
This is the beautiful corsage. That flower shop never disappoints. One of the parents hit it on the head when they stated getting all 14 kids arranged and together for the various pictures is like herding cats.
One of the parents was nice enough to take a picture of us together. What can I say we like black....and bow ties are the new cool by the way. Next I am going to see if I can get him to add a vest.
After that chaotic mess, the hubbie and I hit up the bowling alley for some pizza while I waited to go to the grand march. Let me tell you that was the longest wait ever. When my head hit the pillow at 10:30ish I was definitely done for the day.
Sunday...we took a road trip for the littles birthday. We went here last year and they loved it so, that the little bro wanted to take them back again. This time though there was something a little off....
Like how did those guys get in there?? Darn dinosaurs always out causing problems.
And then there was the extremely large frog that jumped in by the fish this year.
Look very closely at the picture above and see what you find.....did you see?
With it being the rainforest dome and the humidity there was a plant that was dripping and of course our little Cooper was there taking a mini shower.
After sitting in the swamp like climate of the tropical dome, it was off to the desert dome. This one was closed last year, so it was nice to see this year.

This was the Bird of Paradise plant. I can definitely tell why it got that name. And the Cooper decided he needed to be spiderman and got his face painted.
He did such a fantastic job sitting there and the artist did a wonderful job making up his face.
What we did not realize, was that it was also steampunk day at the domes. Which is why there was the face painting, this guy playing with fire and some other people walking around in costumes. Sorry, no pictures. What I can say though is we are kind of intrigued by the whole steampunk thing and now are contemplating this for Halloween versus Katy Perry and the sharks. And the way they dress is cool...of course, I will be researching this whole genre.
Last was the reason why we went to the domes....the show dome and the train exhibit. This years theme was space.
After all of that it was off for a late lunch at the Mineshaft. Where we stuffed ourselves silly and played some various games in the gameroom.
And last but definitely not least it was time to close out our day with some presents and cake to celebrate the adorable littles' birthday.
Happy Birthday my two favorite Goobers!
And now we get back to work to rest up for next weekend...
That's a full weekend there! Your son looks very handsome for his dance. Happy birthday to your little ones!