Friday, November 21, 2014


Let's all put our hands in the air and give a great big scream of  HALLELUJAH, Friday has finally arrived.  This Friday is going down in the books as extra special since I have basically reached the top of the mountain and it is all down hill from here.  Well, that is according to the boss man who says that this week should have been the last of the hell weeks in the industry I work in.  When you start checking in fifteen minutes after you wake (aka 3:45am) to work, dealing with the issues between working out, showering, dinner, in the car, and any other god forsaken place, and not seeing the light of day for like 10-11 hours each day, it makes the end so much sweeter. And let me tell you the last three weeks have been unforgiving.  We pulled it off though with no production downtime or delays...which seriously makes us superheroes.

Today's Friday Five is going to celebratory type items....cheers to

1.   Being able to make it home at a reasonable time and having more than an hour before bed to hang with the family and making it in time to have dinner with them.

2.   Not having so many things running through my mind in the evening that I can't fall or stay asleep

3.  my bossman resting easy and not having to watch this progression go down after the announcement that someone didn't plan again and we needed this shit two hours ago

And of course my gracefulness after pulling off the damn near impossible..
4. and 5. the glass of wine I will be drinking later this evening
With that being said, let's hear for Friday!!

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