Thursday, November 6, 2014

Choose your Own Adventure - Food

Life According to Steph

October's adventure was food.  And hello who doesn't like food. Let's see how I did knocking out those goals.
  1. Eat fish a 2x's per week - GOAL ACCOMPLISHED
  2. Eat oatmeal a minimum of 3x's per week -  50% there were two weeks where I only had oatmeal twice.
  3. Try one new restaurant around the area where I live - Fail. Instead of trying a new place I took my parents to the "new" restaurant I found in September.  November 1st we did get to try a new BBQ place, day late though.
  4. Indulge in a caramel apple - GOAL ACCOMPLISHED - Think this may have been one of my faves  too.

Novembers adventure has the theme organize.  My goals for this month will be:
1. Try to complete the 31 Day organization challenge that A Bowl Full of Lemons presented last month.  The idea was each day your organize one thing. So this week you will see me attempt to organize the pantry, magazines, dresser drawers, toys, cleaners, makeup, shoes and my car this week.  Holy bananas, think that woman picked the hardest things for week one.
2. File Paperwork - I am just going to bury my head and not even mention how behind I am on this.
3. My desk
4. Family "command center" - Need to do some adjustments to better fit our needs aka mail duties, job help board for seasonal/monthly items to get done. Girls got a plan in that little head now to put it to work.

Wish me luck and if you would like to join in, hop over to Steph's for more details.


  1. I want to tackle her list, but I am going to have to wait for summer. Let me know how it goes. Good luck.

  2. How is the 31 day challenge going? I think it would be hard, but worth it! Everything would be done, that would be a nice feeling.
