Friday, November 7, 2014

Where to go.....

Well if it was a "normal" Friday over in blog land it would be some random sampling of five items that appear to have conveniently fit together in some sort of theme.  Clearly though it is not going to be one of those moments.  Instead it will be a teenager talk of sorts.  Kind of a you have got to be kidding what the hell did we do.

I going to associate our little problem with the fact that I am secretly a Queen of a random kingdom that is yet to be discovered and my husband is truly the king of the planet a million light years away that he hailed from.  Why you ask....because it seems like we...

Make it rain or at least in the eyes of our teenagers.  And that is how it all begins.  You give your children everything you can and take them wonderful places.  Then a momentary slip from them that they "expect" you to buy something or to do something that costs some cash and is clearly a want and you are like what the hell?!? 
Now this little what the hell moment led my curiosity to "quiz" the children on needs (cannot live without) and wants.  Sadly this "quiz" was an eye opener.  In their world here are some needs:
1. A dresser for your clothes
2. Dress Clothes to wear to Homecoming
3. Makeup
4. Backpacks
5. Computers
I was taken a back by this. My hubbie and myself have worked hard to establish ourselves plus worked hard when we were their age.  I babysat then waitressed.  He worked at church then the garbage dump.  We valued and worked for our money.
Now it is time to look at our kids and tighten up the purse strings a little bit.  No more random buys, it is time for them to earn what they "want". Plus we will be working more closely with them on budgeting and saving.  Two teens and two different stages. 
Teen 1: Has the job, car etc. Just needs to take some more control over his financial well being. He will be handling his own bill paying and saving. Plus I will be imposing a penalty fee for anytime the check book goes under $100 and miss car payments to the house, I take the car.
Teen 2: Just starting out on her financial adventure. She will be getting a saving/checking account established and getting into the habit of saving etc. prior to her having an official job and the responsibilities of a car.
We also in our world stress the importance of working hard on their school, so to help us implement some of these financial lessons have decided that we will once again be paying out for good grades.  Then as an added perk will also be posting jobs for the house that they can do to earn even more.  Now these will be outside of our normal expectations for them.
The biggest and hardest change will be just not buying something for them because we can.  Hopefully though all these changes and teaching them about their finances will help them as they venture into the world.....because, I love my kids, but you will not be sleeping in my basement for the rest of your lives.

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