Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wallet Watch

Drum roll please.  Let's here it for the results from the October Wallet Watch.

My Parameters were:
  1. Cannot eat out more than 4 times this month - There are already too many dates of eating out on the calendar and need to keep it like that, no more.
  2. No clothes, shoes, or makeup purchases
  3. Stay within our planned excursions aka no last minutes and stick to my budgeted amount: Pumpkin Farm, Marathon Weekend, Birthday, and Halloween
  4. If the item is not on my list when I go into the store, it is not getting bought
And now the results...

Eating out
Totally won at this one.  Did not eat out more than 4x's this month. 

Clothes infractions
* Stretchy Gloves - Even though it was an infraction, it was a must buy after running a few cold mornings especially since they double as a Kleenex. (gross I know)
* Scarf - no excuse except it was cute and on clearance (shrugging shouldera)
* Pink Argyle Compression Socks - 50% plus free shipping, that is all that should be said
* Michael Kors Watch - On clearance plus a coupon means I scored this for over 50% off, no way I was passing up a super wish watch
* Athleta Bikini - Clearance again with a $10 coupon equals an athlete bikini for $15, again no way passing that up.

So even though I spend on clothes I was rather cheap and got some huge savings for the win.

Planned Excursions
While I did have an extra outing that came up, which was a trip to Tom Dooleys apple orchard.  I am going to say it was off set by me not going to the pumpkin farm.

Not on List
* Fit Fresh Hot Bowl - Impulse buy problem, no need for it, yet had to have it, for the fail
* A Monster for my Sons car -   Come on you know everyone needs a car monster.
* Composition book - This was on clearance for $.60, no way I was passing this up.  It will now be stocked in the school cabinet.
* Skeleton Garland
* Candy
* Slow Cooker - this was $25 on clearance and completely programmable.  No way I was passing this up either.

Overall I don't think I did very bad.  The first week was a little rocky for me, but otherwise I did fairly well sticking to things...but you can bet your bottom dollar this girl is going to go buy some makeup she has been oogling in like one hot minute.

Until our next wallet watch...thank you Steph for the link up

1 comment:

  1. Honestly? Your buys were mostly those wanted so long/needed specifically/can't pass up the price buys or a combination of two of the three. I think you did well!
