Monday, July 1, 2013

Watery Weekend

I love my kids, I love my kids, I love my kids...but YES, they were gone. Both of them at the same time to the other parent's house for a Friday evening.  Been awhile since this happened.  Opportunity knocked for a surprise at home date/adult time.  Plan: Starbucks Refreshers, movie and my popcorn. Of course the intent was to surprise the hubbie with the whole plan.  Couldn't keep the Starbucks Refresher quiet though.  He knew by the time I got to Starbucks. Those Referesher things are amazing.  They were doing a half off deal between 3 and 5. Just couldn't pass up that excuse to try something new. Ok, back on track here. My famous popcorn. Hubbie loves.  This really maybe one of the reasons why he married me and stays married to me. Anywho, we ate two whole bowls during the movie.  Sorry no pictures. Movie was: "Warm Bodies". Ha, told the hubbie it was a romantic <pause> comedy. Really not the whole mushy love story kind of girl over her. Sad to report the movie was pretty bad.  What we learn about zombies in this movie is that they really just need a hug.

Love brings them back to life..what?!?  IF the zombie apocalypse happens though, this girl is not going to be trying it out.  I will be praying that my endurance pays off and run the other way, quickly.

Rain, Rain go away. The next day/morning our original date just didn't work out. Raining equals not a good day for kayaking in my books. No paddle the marsh event for us. According to the event organizers facebook feed approximately 130 brave souls faced the weather.  We little chickens opted to reschedule something until Sunday.

Now aside from us just trying to get some adult time in, Friday and Saturday brought a few other notable items.   My shutterfly album of our "honeymoon" in Colorado.

Seriously good things come in little orange packages.
My teenager and his temps.  WHAT?!?! Hold tight people I am sure that there will be some drop dead exciting stories coming out of me placing my life in the hands of my teeanger.
Then Finally, sunshine on Sunday.  Hubbie and I opted to kayak down the river to the little brothers house. It would be his first time in my old Kayak (and second time kayaking).  I would be testing out my new kayak.  Enjoy the snippets from our adventure.

Oh yeah he has now nicknamed the kayak the green pickle.
Turtles on the log...
Floating down the river...
My brand new pretty pink kayak ...  love
The welcoming crew...little bro with my two adorable nephews
And we made it to shore....

Nephews time for a ride....

Beautiful day, awesome weekend.  And now it is off to work we go.
 photo 34ba9c4e-39f4-42b9-adb5-4d3c79ee5ca3_zps03f7ef7a.jpg

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