Monday, July 15, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans

You know that moment when you have the greatest intention to write a blog post and then life kind of happens.  On Friday, I really had the intent/wanted to write a snippet about the awesome "haul" I made on Friday.  Of course now it is Monday.  The whole weekend thing happened and is over with (thank goodness).  If I didn't come to work, I would die from fun exhaustation. Serious people.  On that note let's round up the weekend shenanigans.

1. The Friday Haul - Had the day off. And since I had to go to the dentist used this as the chance to swing into the mall and spend a little "quality" time with the teenage boy.
Buddy Squirrel. This cheese popcorn seriously should be illegal.  I can not even put into words the amount extreme goodness that this bag contains.  Greasy, cheesey, aaahhh the clouds part and the sun shines down. Heaven.
Lush. Checked out this place.  Purely based on recommendation regarding their ocean salt scrub and serum for dry skin.  Handmade and all natural.  The girls there were awesome.  Even kept the teenage boy busy with trying out some stuff to make him even more appealing to his girlfriend (yeah thanks for that by the way).  Ended up getting: Ocean Salt Scrub, Serum, Toner, Soap, and samples (love). Watch for a future possible profession of my love of these items.
Sephora.  Wow.  There is so much going on in that place. Good thing I had a list of need to try stuff or I would have been completely lost. Love the fact they gave me a perfume sample to try out. Again, heads up for a possibly, love hate moment on these things.
Bath and Body Works.  Half off on candles and a new perfume.  Forever Red....smells wonderful.
The dentist.  Yeah did I mention that is why I had off in the first place.  Ha, you even get stuff there.  Seriously next time I really have to let them know I have way too many tubes of toothpaste, toothbrushes etc.  Do love the feeling of some nice clean teeth and best of all no cavities for myself or Forest.
2.Double Trouble Twin Time.
Not many things better then getting to have a sleepover at Auntie Dawn's. 
Getting all ready to go to Grandma's house.

And still getting ready....this is the point when the hubbie is like, you aren't ready yet?

Finally we were off.   Now this was a whole new experience for me running with two babies in a jogging stroller.  Talk about work.  Kudos to any moms out there who do this on a regular basis.
3. Lake Time.  Taking out Swagtime for it's maiden voyage. Sit back and enjoy the ride.  We sure did.

Hubbies first time driving (is that what it is called in a boat)

Seriously people this is where you will be finding me.  Feet up chillin' every chance I get.

Stopped at a sandbar for a quick dip

Teenager being all teenagerish

A tiki bar on the shoreline.  Stop for some music, snack, and of course a quick cocktail.

After a successful first trip time for a little celebration. 
Now I suppose I should mention that after the Tiki Bar there was a stop at another bar for some actual food.  Thank goodness for that.  Then we started to speed home only to realize how much gas that little boat of ours eats when you are going super fast.  Yeppers we ran out of gas.   Some people were kind enough to give us a tow back. What did we a bigger gas tank or bring back up.  Really it was an amazing time even with our little trouble.  
Conclusion "The Toadies" may have it dead on:
Starting to think, nope I know this next weekend can not come fast enough.  Thank goodness this lucky girl only has to work four days again.  

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Sami's Shenanigans

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