Friday, June 28, 2013

June's Favorite Things

These are a few of my favorite things from June.
1. Pillows - Target has some amazing pillows.  After that little excursion had to stop or I would completely lose my chair.

2.  Peanut Butter paired with cake - Amazing peanut butter cupcake at the Jersey Street Music Fest and an awesome Peanut Butter cake for the hubbie's birthday.  Oh nuts that stuff was so crazy good.

3. The nephews - Two of the most ubberly cute, super awesome boys on the planet.  I am so grateful they came into my world.  Thanks little bro.

4. Finding a fun reason to celebrate which led to having a picnic with my family.  And with it brought the joys of remembering the hubbie and my "first" date.

5.  Running with my son.  Grateful a few years ago I encouraged him to come run with me.  Now we have something that we can always share.  Even if I maybe slower.
6.  Turtles - look for some of my past posts on my declaration of my love for turtles.
There were some amazing days in June.  Hard to believe the first month of summer is just about behind us.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Bringing Happiness to my Peeps

Some of the moments that made my life grand in the last week.

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Gettin' Dirty

Time to get down and dirty. Now last October I vowed to never do a mudrun again.   After a slight arm pulling by a girl I work with, it happened again.  This mudrun was by far way more awesome than the last one I did.  Guess it sort of helped that with all the rain we had lately the whole course was like running thru one gigantic mud pit.  Wish a camera would have survived to share all the fun. There were nature made mud slides that you went down into streams, running tree to tree just so you wouldn't slide on your bottom the whole way down the trail, and the views were just gorgeous.

Now time for me to shut up and put out all the dirty little snapshots from the day.
The Team
Seriously need one of these in the backyard.  Face first for this girl and I flew down.
The very steep hill you see...yeah you had to pull yourself up that via a rope. 
Aside from those awesome ugly shorts my legs are there somewhere.
The team in our mudified glory.
And a little son and myself first and second place in our team.  Just slightly competitive.
This will definetly be happening next year.  And the hubbie and steppie won't be staying so clean.

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Slam that in the Bucket

The plane, the plane is coming.  Fly an RC airplane has completely crashed into the hubbie’s bucket list. 


Check out his adventures....




Think he may have been the happiest man on the planet

Mission accomplished: 
 Bucket List Item of Fly an RC Airplace - Done
Airplane held together by Super Glue and Duct Tape - Yup
Very Happy Husband - Check
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Friday, June 21, 2013

Oh Batman

Yet another opportunity for me to scream in fear for a brief moment appeared this week.   This would be when my dear hubbie thought it would be fun to try to scare his dear wifey.  After our little bat incident earlier in the week (read about that here: Just Batty), I walked into this:

Did he suceed in making me scream, yes. Twice even.  Kind of forgot it was hanging there later that evening. Oh Batman. Well played dear husband, well played.
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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

International Picnic Day

Time to celebrate. Tuesday was International Picnic Day!

“Hey Boo Boo, let’s go get us a pic-a-nic basket”- Yogi Bear

yogi bear photo: my yogi bear! yogi.gif
From Punchbowl:
During the Victorian era, picnics were very important social occasions. They offered the rare opportunity for young men and women to spend time together in the great outdoors. They were also quite elaborate. A picnic for twenty people might feature cold salmon, lamb, veal, chicken, ham, pigeon pie, sandwiches, fruit, a selection of cheeses, and a variety of baked goods! The modern-day picnic is much less complicated. In fact, the phrase “it’s a picnic” means “it’s easy.”

For our picnic day, we crashed the little brothers house and had our picnic there with him and my adorable nephews. 

Oh my did the boys love this crazy sandwich
Laughing cow cheese, first time....amazing. 
A very glorious day with great food, amazing people, and no run in with any pesky bears try to snatch a pic-a-nic basket. 
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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Just Batty

Who would have known that everything would have just gone batty this morning.  Now aren't bats just the most adorable things.

Yeah maybe when it looks like the above, a cartoon.  Neatly pasted to some random document you have.  Not when a bat decides that it needs to be your roommate at some point during the night.
Here is how that all went down. Bring on the bat brigade!

In our  little world of slumber last night, Bullet starts to get all squirrelly and then we hear this weird noise. Hubbie gets up thinking it was the window fan (at this point the noise stopped, of course). Fans still working and he comes to bed.  Alarms go off.  Go downstairs, get our morning started, etc. I go back upstairs to get ready. Start packing the gym bag. And all of a sudden, hear a weird thumping noise.  Look Down and......

bat photo: bat bat.jpg is a bat coming out from underneath the bed. Crawling on the floor.
At this point I completely freak out. Standing by the window fan, screaming to the hubbie (who can't hear me since he has the water running downstairs).  Forest sleeps thru this whole entire episode.  The bat was like right in our bedroom doorway.  There was no getting out and I left the cell phone downstairs.  Finally it crawls behind the door.  I haul downstairs.  Explain to the hubbie what just happened and the discovery of our new roommate. And here is how the next act played out.
Hubbie: What are we going to do?
Me: I don't know, Don't you know?
Hubbie: I am a city boy
Me: Well I am a country girl, moved to the city, back to the country, then married you. Now you are the husband that needs to take care of it. (he laughs)
Then I am like maybe we should call my little brother or my dad or someone. Of course, he is like no we (ha ha we thats funny) will see what we can do. Go into the garage he grabs a sheet. I grab a butterfly net we have because the only instance I can remember of someone catching a bat is the movie "The Great Outdoors" and that worked for them.  See.....

 Walk to the bedroom. Of course, I hand him the net. He moves the door and is like there is a bat. Yeah, seriously this girl not messing aound. Realize the net is the best choice (of course). He manages to get the bat in the net, wrap the sheet around it.  Bat is very cranky at this point and letting everyone know.  Hubbie takes it outside and lets it go.  Crisis Solved.

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Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day, Bucket

Bam, take that one and throw it in the Bucket.  One item off of the hubbie's list.
Nachos on the Deck
And a Happy Fathers Day. 
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Rockin' the Jersey Street Music Fest

Festing equals hanging around, eating food, drinking, people watching, listening to music.  Now that is a pretty awesome way to spend a Saturday.  We completely rocked the Jersey Street Music fest in my little town. 

People watching. Everyone does it and enjoys it. Hey you know it. You just have to embrace and admit it.  Now this can consume hours in itself, especially when festing.  Out of all of our people watching, the big winner would be:   the lovely older lady in white who was doing Tai Chi (we think) in the parking lot.   No care in the world just being her.  Awesome.

Granted I know that alot of people like beer.  I am not one of those people though. In our little world we prefer to fest with a cocktail in hand.  So due to lack of options (hold onto to your seats here), I had some Spotted Cow Beer.  The hubbie couldn't believe it. I never, ever, never, like ever have beer. Later on though we did run home and fill a cooler with some select beverages to carry us thru the remainder of the day.

Food. Now this in my opinion is the number one reason to fest.  Different organizations and restaurants had food booths.   From what we could tell there was not a duplicate of food anywhere.  Once I discovered the booth with the walking tacos.  It was all downhill from there.  Think I had about three. 
Then we discovered that there was a glorious cupcake place.  A lady in our town who makes cupcakes out of her home, serious.  She was at the fest.  Now if you have read some of the past posts, you know how mych we like cupcakes.  Super excited to find out we have someone in our city who will make mass quantity of cupcakes if needed.  Here is a little snippet of her scrumptious work (yes, that is the beer I was sipping, proof):
And then there was the rest of the is a quick peek.
Now one can not walk away from a fest without a face painting or something.  Well this was suppose to be for the nephew.  He did not want a thing to do with it.  So Auntie Dawn got the bug.
Here come the ubberly cute nephews with the wearing the hats my hubbie got for them from EMS group.
And the music, was awesome to by the way. Hello that is basically what the fest was centered around, well and the food obvious. Wish I could report some more on the bands though. We were just having fun chillin' while they played in the background. All were outstanding though.
Now it seems like no matter where we go or what we do there is always some sort of craziness that happens. The hubbie has a fantastic idea to go ride the seesaw.
seesaw photo: seesaw teeter totter seesaw_action_lg_clr.gif
I am all in on this one.  Of course. I mean who doesn't like acting like your a kid again.  Come on people live it up a bit.  Him on one side and me on the other.  First push off...I get no where. Second push off....half way.  Then I proceed to explain that he needs to push off harder since I am not even touching the ground. Demanding little wifey I am. Well after that little comment, I touched the ground alright.  Fell right off that darn seesaw. Slightly painful and rather amusing. 
We're dorks.
Festing, highly recommend.  
Rock on, peeps.
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