Monday, December 8, 2014

Choose Your Adventure

Life According to Steph

Novembers theme was organize.  Now I can say that I had some lofty goals for the month.  Can you say crash and burn.  Not sure what I was thinking when I came up with these.  November can be a little crazy with my focus on the holidays.   Let's just hop to it though and see how I did...

1. Try to complete the 31 Day organization challenge that A Bowl Full of Lemons presented last month.  The idea was each day your organize one thing. So this week you will see me attempt to organize the pantry, magazines, dresser drawers, toys, cleaners, makeup, shoes and my car this week.  Holy bananas, think that woman picked the hardest things for week one. Failure was imminent.  Out of the days I can say I only succeeded in newspapers...because I only get one a week and I read and toss almost immediately.  Then bedding just because we really do not keep much of this around.  I would still like to do something like this maybe not with the expectation to do one area a day. 
2. File Paperwork - I am just going to bury my head and not even mention how behind I am on this. This is getting written down as accomplished only because I paid a teenager to work on the filing while I got my son's scrapbook in order. Now to stay on top of it.
3. My desk - Since the filing got done, this would be about half way done.
4. Family "command center" - Need to do some adjustments to better fit our needs aka mail duties, job help board for seasonal/monthly items to get done. Girls got a plan in that little head now to put it to work. This was a win.  Managed to dedicate a little area to jobs I need.  Then I set up an area to deal with my parents mail plus store my running items that I only use on occasion instead of looking at them lay all over the house.


Now this months December theme is SIMPLIFY.  My Goals will be:

1. Utensil Simplification: Also known as there is way to much shit in this drawer it won't close, why do we need 10 spoons, 2 can openers etc. Our mission will be to pull everything out, what we use gets to go back to the drawer.
2. Planner Simplification: Basically I was using way to many calendars or places for notes between work and home.  This year it will be funneled into one maybe two locations.  I am seriously freaking out about this also...since I will be working with a whole new planner with a different style.
3. Weekly Simplification:   To make my week simpler, work hard to get everything (clothes, food etc) together and ready to go on Sunday.

There you have my simplify goals...oh and maybe I should add a simplify one day by being extra lazy over the holidays and lay in bed in my pj's and binge watch a show, not worrying about anything.

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