Happy Monday. After an exhausting weekend, I am grateful for a moment to catch my breath back at work. Now we have some pretty huge news to share over in our little cul de sac. One that I have been holding onto for almost a week. Our family has been expanded, I am not prego either. Over this weekend we have welcomed two new little additions.
First up....Little Man
The story goes like this. Two Saturdays ago we walked into the Humane Society to look at this dog that I was completely obsessed over. Turns out that little guy, Jeffy, had already found a forever home. He was a little ball of energy. We had fun taking some time to play with him.
Then the lady mentions they have another male dog there about the same size of Jeffy. He just arrived from Kentucky a few days ago. She brings him in and he stuck tight to her side. Just a shy little guy, which she warned us about. We tried to play with him for a little bit and soon he opened up for a little while. Seeing his shyness and knowing that this may not help him find that perfect home with someone else...we knew it had to be us. He did warm up after a bit like she said and we played. That sealed the deal. Filled out the paperwork with the contingency that we would come back with Chuck, Bullet, my Forest, the nephews and my little brother later in the week. Hey, we have a tribe and he must love everyone.
The week seemed to go forever. Goodness I was so nervous if everyone would get along. Thursday came and we all went over. The once shy Little Man was kind of gone. He was playful and engaged with everyone. Perfect...and we signed on the dotted line brought him home to our little cul de sac.

Thursday evening was not easy by any means. He started to "mark" various pieces of furniture, he peed on the comforter on the bed, and was causing Chuck quite a bit of stress. During the middle of the night, he peed on the bedroom floor (better then the bed). Then in the morning it was chaotic. First, he pooped in the house. After that he decided he needed to be by Forest. He managed to sneak behind a baby gate and jump into bed with Forest. Which I was alerted to by a distressed teenager....with a "Mom" at 5:30 in the morning. After the removal, he then proceed to tip the baby gate over to get in (we do not lock them in place, they are for dog containment only). Removed again. I finished up and kenneled the dogs only to receive a phone call 15 minutes from home that "it is barking and won't shut up." Oh what morning.
He made it all day without an accident in the kennel. Then had a few accidents with the hubbie. At this point, we questioned our decision. Would things change? We cannot go thru all of these problems every day. Chuck is stressed, pee everywhere, no sleep. The consideration that once home he may not work out was absolutely terrible. We decided that we need to give it a week. Friday night we decided that pizza delivery was in order after a rough day had by all.
Friday night we all curled up. Little man found his spot in the bed. Saturday I woke to no accidents in the bedroom. We pooped in the dining room to my dismay. I had to leave to babysit the littles so the pups had to go back with the hubbie. And Little Man did not wake him!
Saturday, we had no accidents, issues or otherwise. He just started to blend right in. Following the schedule and steps that his puppie brothers do. We brought them home new toys. Little Man got a harness, his own kennel, bed and leash.
Sunday, no issues again. He blended right in even more. We took our crazy pups out for walk on Sunday.
Watching our little troop march down the road, I can only imagine what people think. Everytime Little man saw steps he had to go up them. The walk worked so well burning out their energy, that Forest could completely move him in his sleep without him even waking.
This weekend confirmed he was just meant to be with us. In our home, with our kids and our pups.
Welcome to the clan, Little Man.
And then there is the addition of a new puppy niece for me....Ava
Little bro was going to wait, but there was one available from a great breeder in the area. She is an adorable, skunk breathe, chewing machine. I got to spend Saturday snuggling her. And both days getting her used to her puppy cousins. Or her puppy cousins used to her is more like it...
Explaining to her that it is not cool to tip over Auntie Dawn's coffee even if she wanted a drink. Disregard the fact that Auntie Dawn was the one who had her on the table to begin with.
Watching her meet her older cranky sister, the Winnie
Trying to teach her that Auntie Dawn's scarf is not a play toy or something you want to chew on.
She is an adorable little thing that hopefully will grow to be the perfect little hunting machine. Welcome to the family our little Ava
And that is it for awesome new additions. Now a few other snippets from the weekend...it was a beautiful day Saturday and my hubbie was ecstatic that he got to use the little bro's leaf sucker thing. I got to spend Saturday and Sunday morning with my littles.
And even tried a new restaurant in our travels on Saturday.
Nothing like a little BBQ. Saturday even checked out the movie "You're Next". Sunday got caught up on the housework, chilled, and family dinner.
An exhausting, lovely weekend.
Now to cross our fingers and hope the pups did well today.