Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wow what a Weekend

We are just going to pretend that this was actually written and posted on Tuesday.  We will also be overlooking the reasoning that it was not written yesterday was due to the inability to conform a thought from the activities Memorial Day Monday.  Yep, let the suspense of Memorial Day Monday kill you as you read on about the awesomeness of the weekend.

Now since the title of this little gem didn't tell you nor give you a clue of what actually happened this weekend, let me clue you in on the goodness to come.  Recollections of the first camping trip of the "summer" season.  "Summer" Memorial Day weekend weather in Wisconsin equals High of 59 and low of 37.   This is the number one reason why we regularly pack sleeping bags rated at 35 degree plus.  Since I am the craziest in the family, I enjoy the lovely chill and sleep in boxers and a tank.  TMI, serious.  Why not though when Charlie the chiweenie sleeps in your sleeping bag with you.  And seriously you can not pass up waking up to this....crawling out of the depths of the sleeping bag.
Being the first camp trip of the season, we managed to remember everything.  Well except for the hubbie's water bottle and Forest's precious axe (not the stinky spray, thank goodness since he is a teenage boy).  These managed to go MIA before even leaving home.  And to date we are still looking for these gosh darn things. The place we went to was/is beautiful, peaceful, and just downright amazeballs.

Another one of my all time favorite perks of being there is the ability to leave my jack russell terrier, Bullet, off leash.  This is not a common occurence at all.  Jack Russell has no attention span, squirrel, bunny, bird. At camp, he is given a border and listens.  Of course with his stubbornness he does push it sometimes. Greatest thing to see him off leash, happy and running about.   And hiding from the chiweenie, of course.

Now let's just get down to business and take a look at some more awesome things from this little excursion.
  • Cocktails people - My drink of choice for the summer season, just in case you missed that in one of my prior posts.  Now tuck this little tidbit in your brain it will resurface later.
  • New food taste testing. Lemon Marshmallows. Now I can finally say that I am not the only one who enjoys subjecting the family to new foods.  This was the hubbie's idea. Clearly not as extreme as some of mine. This is a "hey let's try these out when we are camping, ok". Hey I do to you, I let you do to me. Minds out of the gutter people. Anyway the conclusion:  boys equal icky, girls ok.
  • Checking off an item on my Summer Bucket listLighting some dandelions on fire.  Thank you pinterest for this idea.  You have to be pretty darn quick to catch these things on fire.
    Treasure hunting.  Great idea from the hubbie to bring along the metal detector.  Kept the teenagers busy.   Hubbie also hit it big bringing home a whole two cents and the mega find, a fork (the other tool was just hanging out).  Rather surprised at the minor amount of beer bottle tops.   Great job folks on not littering.

  • Charlie the Chiweenie eating a marshmallow. It is as big as his head.  Enough Said.
Now as everyone knows along with all the glory of the day, there generally seems to be some form of a shitstorm.  You just have to buckle down and hope it is not a bad.  On that note, grab your umbrellas and let's take a glimpse at ours.
  • Squeakers and Dog Treats.  Now when one has slightly too much cocktail awesomeness things have a tendency to happen. Hard to belive, I know. After the wonderful indulge, one drifts off to slumberland without a care in the world.  Completely clueless that the squeaker and bag of dog treats is still calling your sweatshirt home. Now the puppies are completely aware of this and notify you via squeaking the squeaker during the middle of the night until you wake.  After that is secured thinking it is the only issue, you awake to realize you also forgot the treat bag.  Which now looks like this:
  • Folgers Instant Coffee. Seriously people have you read the instructions on this stuff. Well we did and though we thought we were adding the correct amount of scoops to the cups.  Let's just say that the coffee was like mud.  Especially the boys who added like 3-4 scoops. This would be the glorious container stating 45 cups.
  • In our container, there is about 1/3 of it left after our three cups of coffee.  Yep after all the math is done, we had 30 cups of folgers in 3 mugs between three of us. No wonder why there were sour tummies.  See it wasn't related to the cocktails at all.
  • Snake. Really there is nothing more to say than snake.  Last year the steppie almost stepped on quite a few we have a close encounter with a snake. Goodness, I hope this is not an inclination of things to come.
    Hope you all enjoyed getting a glimpse of our little weekend adventures.  Now what was I saying earlier about the delay due to the Memorial day Monday activities.  That they were the reason why this did not get wrote sooner.  Well my lovelys, you will just have to wait a tiny bit longer for the Memorial Day glimpse.  This little gem is getting a little too large.
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