Thursday, May 16, 2013

Time to Drop it Old School Style - Vegas Round 2

Number one priority of the day. New shoes for the hubbie.  Turned out that his running shoes just couldn’t cut it walking the strip.  Thankfully there was this glorious adidas store right across the street from our hotel. As I (key word I) patiently waited for the adidas store to open, we decided to do the CSI Experiment at the MGM.  This was ok.  Think that maybe we are just setting our standards a little too high for Vegas. Is my expectation for everything being over the top too much to ask for? Probably.

Of course we had to lunch before the adidas store.  Can not take a man shopping without a full belly. Especially seeing the store we were about to conquer was two stories…and I (my feet) love adidas. OH and back to the food, pizza place in our hotel.  Yummie.  Of course we ate the whole pizza.

Now onto business….adidas store. Glorious.  Had the opportunity to try on some new running shoes that adidas has out. And believe it or not I ended up with nothing.  Here is the wonderment my hubbie came out of the store with:

Being the persuasive woman I am, I managed to talk my hubbie into trying out this oxygen bar.  Hey there were like four other guys sitting there….kind of looking like pigs.  Yeah see the picture, no that is cute. Right.  By the way as cute as I looked (hey don't judge), Hubbie hated it.

Since it was a little too cloudy for the pool, we ended up napping again in the afternoon. Yes, napping in Vegas people.

Now like it says time to drop it old school style.  Off to Old Vegas aka Fremont Street.

First off get the lay of the land.  We walked the entire street.  This place was definitely old school.  It reminded us a lot of our trip to New Orleans.  There is no traffic allowed on the street, so you can just walk with your cocktail and enjoy. And serious people who isn’t up for one huge dirty street party.

Now my dad is completely about the Golden Nugget.  Mention Vegas and be prepared for the endless conversation all centered around the Golden Nugget.  Doing what every good daughter would, I took his money and put it in the gigantic slot machine in the front that he kept talking about.  No big winner here.  I tried and was able to give him back what he gave me.  Awesome daughter right here people.  Now if I was the person that we saw win the $81,000 jackpot on a slot machine bet I could have gotten the super duper awesome daughter title.  Also managed to check out the golden bar dispenser, yep you read that correctly, for the little brother.  $93 for a bar that is like a quarter inch.  I like my brother…not that much.

One of my mission for the year and this trip was zipling. Check it off as mission accomplished.  Ziplining is awesome.  We met and awesome couple in line.  And my hubbie is hilarious. Especially when he went with the whole comparison of what he looked like in the harness and what a giant blue wrapped sausage looks like. Just in case you are curious the end conclusion was they look the same.  

We managed to stay until it was dark.  Seriously who could go home when there is a big party going on?!?! Saw the light show which was Bon Jovi.  Then headed out.  I am very thankful for the super nice transit guy who helped us figure out the bus system.  We made it safe, sound, and exhausted.

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