Wednesday, May 15, 2013

You ate a what !?!?

You ate a what!?!? Seriously we really did eat this.....


We live in Wisconsin.  This is by no means a staple in our diet. Seriously is this a staple in anyone's diet.  Wonder how the heck this prickly little prince ends up on the dinner table then? Store flyer comes in the mail advertising cactus on sale.  Extremely amazing idea pops into a brilliant womans head and BAM added to the grocery list.

Now one can not forget that shortly after the brilliance the scouring of the interenet to find recipes occurs. And perhaps this is validation that someone actually eats these prickly princes.  Conclusion on this matter: this really is not a popular food or there is only one way to cook these things up.  There would be no stopping this awesome idea, of course. Settled on a good ole saute in garlic butter.

Next part of the mission, sneaking it into the house. No way are these people going to know what I just fed them until after they take a bite.  Seriously though my family are amazing good sports on these let's try random foods missions.

Let the cooking begin. At this point you just got done trying to get all the little pokers out of this thing, hopefully not wearing to many bandaids, and trying not to drip blood into the pan. Kidding. No mom's were harmed in the making of this. Of course you can not  yelp to much from being stuck by all the random little pokey things sticking out.  Can't have the family in here seeing what is about to go down.  Dear cactus I get it, you should not be win.

Of course I get busted getting this ready and inform the hubbie what will soon be gracing the dinner plate.  Glutton for punishment that he is, he agrees to try it.  Seriously people what other option was there try it, watch me have a tantrum, or suffer the wrath.  Try it usually wins.

Everybody tried; hubbie and steppie definite no no no.  Myself and little brother..concluded it was icky but yet kept munching on it either from the pan or on top of the quesadilla. Go figure that one out.

Thankfully we did survive this experiment with the prickly prince... but we will not be going down this path again.

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