Monday, August 17, 2015

Congrats Big Sister

There is one thing when you receive the news that you are becoming a big sister when you are 4 years old.  You are full of excitement and just can not wait for the little one to arrive that you get to be the big sister too.  You know all that responsibility and stuff of watching your little brother or sister plus trying to remember to go on the toilet.
Now it is a whole different story when you are 15 and becoming a big sister.  You at that point in your life realize they will be way cuter than you plus are little poop machines.  Poop machines in which you are definitely old enough to change a diaper on. Boo.
Well, my steppie discovered she was becoming a big sister under some very interesting circumstances that we will just say she is/was not to thrilled about.  Oh and let me clear the air...I am not prego, thank you very much.  My time has come and gone plus I have two adorable little nephews and lots of puppie love. help her laugh a little about the situation, this big sister made her a little big sister survival kit.

And in case you can not read the contained:
1. Ear Plugs - After all one can only listen to the crying, whining crap for so long
2. Nail Polish - for those "oh, I am sorry I can't help my nails are wet moments" or future bribery of a little brother due to the picture you have of him smiling happily with sparkly nail polish on his fingers.
3. Sour Patch Kids - Because sweet and sour is required when the inevitable breakdown comes, you need something to soothe the soul
4. Ball - Yeah, they didn't get you a puppy, but who says it can't be trained like one...fetch little boy, fetch
5. Duct Tape - They say it fixes everything, right. When the time comes to pull out all stops your imagination will help you find the perfect use for this.

She loved it and couldn't stop laughing.  Being a big sister is tough work...if only I knew of duct tape when I was 5, we, I mean I, couldn't have really had some fun.

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