Monday, August 24, 2015

Ghosts of Weekends Past - Childless Chillaxin'

Chillaxin', is that even a word? Since the spellchecker is giving me the big nasty red line I would guess, nope.  But who really who cares or better is now.  Catch up dictionary.

This weekend found the hubbie and I without any teenagers.  Our master plan: grab the pups and head up north.  After all, we had a little preliminary planning or strategizing to do before October.

Friday evening really just found us getting settled.  Then also trying to figure out why Bullet decided to freak out.  Somehow the little Houdini managed to get out of his harness and ended up in the shed, sitting there all scared.  We have no idea what happened...I am going with ghosts and the hubbie some animal he may have seen in the woods.  Clearly ghosts are more exciting.

Saturday morning with absolutely no plans on the horizon for the day, we opted to hit the flea market in town.  While we did not find anything obscure, I did pick up some veggies, honey, jam, and banana bread.   Afterwards, I even managed to sneak in the house shopping at the local Shopko.  Oh yes, the hubbie was just thrilled that I was dragging him thru a store two hours away from home.  Hey, a girl has to get her shit done.

Then it was back to the trailer to grab the puppies to go play at the dog park.  We got lucky again and no one was in the little dog area.
I did learn a few things at the dog park:
  1. Dogs listen much better when you have bacon in your pocket
  2. Even with a large area to play in, they will stay within your sight (for the most part)
  3. Bullet really needs to learn to not be an obnoxious ass to other dogs.  Yes, they are in the big dog area and you can not go there.
  4. Little Man does a pretty good job playing catch
  5. and Chuck, well he is just Chuck
After all that excitement, it was back to the trailer.  My master plan was to get my hunter safety reading done.  That lasted a whole two chapters and I fell asleep, right along with the hubbie.  Since the point of the weekend was to relax...guess that was a goal accomplished.

Then after afternoon nap, it was off to check out this bar/restaurant that was down the road.
When we first walked in, we really weren't sure that they actually had food everyday.  Thankfully though this older couple sitting next to us decided to be social.  Rod and Ellie married for a long time thru some interesting periods in their life and had chickens which laid eggs and he sold to the bars.  Nice, funny people. We found out the food wasn't bad and other places to eat close by.  Then we also got the questioned answer of: what do people do on their four wheelers so much here? Answer: bar hop. 

With dinner done, it was back to camp for a fire and set up of our own mini outdoor theater.

A little test run for a future plan that I am working on.  All went well except we need better sound and a better movie choice.  The feature movie was called "The Other Woman".  You know it is not that great when the hubbie looks over after about 20 minutes in and goes "oh this is suppose to be a comedy".  Uuuumm Yeah.
Sunday, we were awoken to a little storm and when it cleared out we headed home.  The rest of Sunday found us battling immense amount of to get it together and get my reading done, poo.

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