Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Ghosts of Weekends Past - Up North and Medieval Nonsensory

Wow, I got a major case of the summer lazy going on over here.  I just checked and the last post was a weekend one also, say what?!?  Not time to cry over spilled milk though, we will just move along.  This last weekend was a long one.  It started for me on a Tuesday.  Originally, we were suppose to go kayak camping for the first time ever, but uummm mother nature did not provide enough rain and I already had a backpacking trip scheduled, so we headed up north instead.

Tuesday, I took my sidekick, Bullet, and headed up ahead of everyone.  It was glorious being able to get settled before everyone arrived.

Wednesday morning, we had a beautiful quiet morning. I did some fun little crafting and then we went for little walk down the road.

My homemade camp sign. 

Beautiful flowers that I brought back from our little walk to grace camp with.
Wednesday afternoon the hubbie and steppie arrived.  Since we didn't have too much time before dinner, we went and checked out one of the lakes where we were thinking about putting in the jetskis.
Then dinner, with no pictures, was spaghetti.  A completely weird camp dinner, but it completely rocked.   It was prefect with fire warmed garlic bread. 
After dinner, we headed out to the ski show.  The show was free and you only paid $5 to park unless you had a county park pass.  It was put on by a local ski club. 

While each ski group was getting ready, they also had little skits going on to entertain the audience.

Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny made an appearance.  Oh Elmer Fudd still did not get the rabbit, but did get taken away by some little police officers.

Even cousin Eddie showed up for the party (that may have been one of my favorite parts, hilarious)

It was wonderful.  I believe we will go back again to check them out next year.  My Wednesday evening was completed by a little trip to the laundry mat after one of the dogs (Little Man) peed on the bed.  Guess who will be kenneled from this point forward...Little Man.
Now let me present to you the Laundromat story....
Searched my phone for a Laundromat or shall I say the address to the Laundromat, this is not our first time in which we had visited one here, the last being when our tent leaked. I was all excited because I recall that there was a shower there too.  Loaded everything up and headed the 10 miles to town to laundry mat.  Only to discover this one did not look familiar. Oh well a laundry mat is a laundry mat and we are not sleeping in a piss laden comforter.  
Then the moment hit where I felt like I was at wits end,  I was standing in this run down Laundromat where it seemed as if everything was marked out of order and there was no soap in the dispensers to purchase, now what. Thankfully an older guy, Tim, saw this look of utter defeat on my face.  He is like I am going to help you out.  Gives me laundry soap, dryer sheets, and helps get the machine going plus offers some tidbits related to the secret of the dryers at the place.  Of course while the laundry is going we small talk about pets, town talk aka the big golf course going in, and randomness.  The time passed rather quickly.  His laundry finished before mine.  I thanked him for all the help and generosity he showed me.  He in turn said, "no thank you for making me feel like I was able to do something good for someone today".   My reply was  your welcome, thank you again and have a great evening.  - The End -
Thursday morning was spent taking the kids to the dog park.  And there was no one in the little dog area, so they (we) were able to enjoy it without issue.

Bullet also got to go for an off leash walk/run in the big dog park.  He did fantastic.

Chuck, our happy little chiweenie.

After that excursion we dropped off the dogs at the trailer (kenneled little shit oops I mean man) and headed to the beach for some sunning and jet skiing.

There was also a moment where we had a genius idea, a willing teenager, and a raft (seen above) for this
Yeah, tied to a jet ski.  Well it worked for like 3 feet and the rafts rope broke. Probably for the best as the steppie said she was getting massive water spray. Crazy ideas and great stories.
In the evening back at camp we had a little craft time painting some garden gnomes.

And went for a walk to find this little creek that was down the road.  Now the steppie and I believe that there was some creepy animal stalking us around the creek area.  We also saw a deer on the way back to camp.
Friday found us back at the beach.  Early in the day though  we tried the puppie park only to find it was rather busy, so we attempted to take the dogs for a swim.  And Little Man can swim, yay!
We headed back to the beach,.  A rather windy day though.

With the wind, it gave us an excuse to go on a quest for a geocache that was located close to the beach.  It was a multi-cache. 

The first was micro-cache that contained the coordinates to the second cache.  Check out how tiny that was.
After a lovely walk on a trail in the woods next to a stream, we were able to find the second cache.

And our little minion managed to find himself a baby.
Then it was time to head back to camp, pack up and head home.
Saturday found us at the Renaissance Fair.  Now I am not sure what I expected, but it was not like what I was thinking and was kind of disappointed.  Basically, I felt like I paid $25 to go into an overpriced flea market.  We did see where they put on a joisting performance, but otherwise it just seemed like a pay to play this game or food stands.  Now the food was good though.  Here are some scenes from the day...

The tomato throwing was hilarious or should I say the guy who was getting the tomatoes thrown at him.

And our minion found himself another new friend....
We may need him to make better choices.
Our day ended having dinner at Texas Roadhouse and heading home.
Sunday, was the basic cleaning and getting ready for the week.  No water time since it was very windy and they kept saying storms.  I did manage to get the concrete cleaned at least.  And as always the closure to our weekend was a little family dinner...except this time we tried some backpacking food.
Not a very big hit with the family, well except the freeze dried eggs with Forest.  Those have always been his backpacking food jam.  And that brought to the end a very long, much needed weekend.



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