Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sunday Social

It's Sunday.  Let's get social.  This is a little off for me.  Generally I do not write a post on a Sunday.  Found this fun link up from Ashley Lately, so why not.

1. What is the wallpaper on your cell phone?
Pikes Peak, Colorado
2. What do you keep beside your bed?
I have a nightstand with an awesome old school looking clock, magazines, linen spray, husband and my class rings from way to many years ago :)

3. What is your least favorite chore?
Scrubbing the bathtub.  Horrible, icky, not fun.

4. If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be?
Doing my hair, not good at it. Hate blow drying it.  Seems to take forever.

5. What do you do to vent anger?
I usually call my mom. She has known me long enough (ha ha obviously) to just listen.

6. What is your favorite holiday of the year and why?
Honestly don't have one. I love spending time with my family no matter what day it is.
Happy Sunday
Dawn Marie



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