Friday, December 6, 2013

Freezin' Friday

With our current temperatures here, it just seems approriate to title the post freezin' Friday. Not that I am complaining since there is another lovely blogger who resides in Colorado and posted a temperature in the negatives.  Which just made Colorado suddenly less appealing to me.  Darn you weather.

Now on Monday this week the little bro's gf (we really need to find a great nickname, this is old) came over to help the hubbie clip Charlie's nails.   Our little chiweenie was so due.  The little bro's gf is a vet tech at the animal hospital that we take our puppies too. We kind of took advantage of this, sorry. She found it kind of funny that we were not kidding about the fact that Charlie needs to be muzzled at the vet and it is noted in his records.  Needless to say, she brought the muzzle.  Onto the nail clipping experience.  There was no way that I was going to help with this whole nail clipping thing. Fainter over here.  Well at least when a yipe comes from one of my babies and then blood.  Happened once with my lovebird, so this girl will take no chances.  Anyways, this was all on the hubbie and the little bro's gf (ok for the rest of this post it is just gf) to get this done.    As much as I would like to give you a play by play of how this went down, I clearly was not paying any attention.  What I know is the hubbie held him while she clipped. When he walked into the kitchen, his comment was he peed and pooped on me.  Yep, you heard that right pooped on.  That literally scared the shit out of him.  Also gave us a whole new reason on why we call him our little shit monkey.

Goodness the rest of the week was kind of a snoozer.  With the holidays coming up that is possibly a  glorious thing. Speaking of holiday, if you are ordering online better get a move on.  One of my packages that I ordered this week won't be here until later next week.   And of course with the holidays comes the sales.  What I learned this week was the cost of sleeves.

There you have it the cost of two sleeves is equal to $5.00 whole dollars.   That almost seems like a bargin to me.

Yesterday evening, a quick trip to the little bro's to drop off a package for two of the cutest boys I know and fill them with some chocolate, of course.   It also enabled the little bro to witness the great escape from the crib by the master Cooper.  Yep, the little terd has figured out how to get out all on his own.  Smart little guys they are.  

One last thing before I manage to forget, the news has determined that us Wisconsin folks eat "cannibal" sandwiches.  Now when I think cannibal, I think someone is eating their own kind (gross, I know). It is simply lean ground beef with some onion.  And you don't cook the beef. Really it is not that bad, as long as the beef is good.  Basically really wanted to say have no fear, us Wisconsin folks are not cannibals, we do not eat our own kind.   We just like cow that happens to not be cooked nor mooing on a holiday occasion. (sidenote: not all Wisconsin folks like this either)

And now with that we are off for the weekend.   Let's have a little music to get it started.
xoxo, Dawn Marie

1 comment:

  1. And I'm sitting over here in California freezing in 50 degree weather. Sometimes I find it hard to believe that I ever lived in and survived Minnesota.

    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts
