Monday, November 30, 2015

Ghosts of Weekends Past - Long Haul

Let's hear it for four day weekends.  It was glorious for me.  The hubbie , not so much.  not only could he not partake in my adventures, but he got called into work basically every single day.  Sometimes it really is not nice to be needed.

Thursday I was cooking/baking like crazy.  Made some muffins and chili to take with and leave behind.

Also managed to get the wreath that I bought put up.  It is the first time that I have had a fresh wreath for outside.

Afterwards, we headed to Shopko for the hubbie to splurge on himself.  Then it was home for our traditional Thanksgiving day pizza before I headed off up north for a few days.  What I realized is I absolutely love it when my trailer can stay in one spot and all you have to do is plug in a heater, flip on a light and unload your crap especially when you are getting up there in the dark.
Next morning was slightly chilly...ok right around freezing.
I ran to town to get a few things from Shopko before keeping my promise to the dogs.
When in Rome...hit the puppie park.

A stop off at Pritzls....had me finding a cute sign for the camper and a sweatshirt for the hubbie.
I also decided to swing by Lake Arrowhead to see if there was any ice.  No ice, but the spot where we sat in summer is under water.

After our little excursions of the day, we headed back to camp for a fire and dinner.

Dinner of course was the chili that I made the day before.  My dinner date, Little Man.  The others were patiently waiting on the floor for crumbs.
The rest of the evening was beautiful...a  lovely full moon and nice warm fire.

Saturday morning after snuggling for a was time to clean up/pack up and head home.

Rest of Saturday was spent getting things in order....making some dinner and chilling.
Sunday, aside from doing our normal Sunday things we also started doing the Christmas decorating.  The tree is officially up and our 2015 ornament has been hung.

And that folks was our little extra long it is time to start the countdown to Christmas.  Keep your eyes open, it is coming quick.


  1. I was thinking of making blueberry muffins last night...this cements it!

  2. Glad I found your blog! I lived on Lake Camelot through high school and still have lots of friends and family in the area. Currently I live an hour and a half away so we get back often. Enjoy the pics you post of the area and of your adventures!
