Friday, April 15, 2016

A Whole Pile of Stuff

A little awkward randomness tossed out there during a very long period of silence.....especially since it is April and the quiet remains.  All with good reason and the answers will all be seen in due time.

I have decided to take a break aka vacation from blogging for the remainder of the year.  My focus in this section of the cyber web has been slightly scattered with everything going on in my day to day along with all the grand ideas that I have floating thru my head.  So instead of everything going to shit here, I will be getting my direction together, finishing up finals, spending time with family,  and enjoying a break from my day job then coming back next year.  Unless of course I need to share something or wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday or whatever you celebrate at this time of year....sometimes I think we should just say Happy Fat Pants Season.  Fat Pants season is fairly short so enjoy it while it lasts.

No Reply blogger...I received a very nice email the other day related to my blog.   I went to reply to the email and realized this person was a "no reply blogger".  This saddened me since I wanted to thank the individual for the kind words they shared and my happiness that they are enjoying my blog.  So without further words being said....I would like to share a link that will explain on how to check/change your no reply blogger status.     Here you go :

I almost had this whole brief moment of deciding to skip over my fave things from the month of November until I recalled this whole concept of showing things that are the "shit" is something I look forward to when reading other's without further delay the November faves.


Beauty Product -
This creepy looking alien aka the Lush Bath bomb...yeah those things are the bomb.

Clothes - We are in a transitional time, so there has been nothing that is sticking out in my mind